Are you passionate about curriculum? Do you stay on top of the latest research in teaching and learning? Enjoy designing instruction and leading the teachers who deliver it? Enjoy seeing students light up as they take agency in their learning and feel themselves grow intellectually? Fishburne Military School, the oldest (1879) and smallest all-male military boarding school in Virginia seeks a dedicated educator to serve as itsAcademic Dean commencing in 2025 -26. The Academic Dean is the second most senior position on the campus and reports to the president who is a seasoned school leader. This is a twelve-month position that does require some evening and weekend duty consistent with a boarding school. Issuing reports to the board of trustees from time to time is a requirement. Participation in the summer program is negotiable.
FMS serves young men in grades 6 – 12 with an optimal enrollment between 125 – 150 cadets. Day students typically comprise one quarter of the student body and there are a small number of international students. Grades 6-8 comprise Fishburne Middle School, a separate all boys day school outside the Corps of Cadets.
The Academic Dean provides global management of the academic program at FMS, including oversight of the curriculum, instruction, academic policy, accommodations, scheduling, hiring, professional development, and all academic expenditures. The Dean supervises two assistant deans, one of whom is the College Counselor, the Middle School Director, and fourteen mostly full-time teachers. The Dean works closely with the President and other directors on the campus. Teaching one or two courses in the individual’s discipline is also an expectation. The new Dean will be able to assess the current curriculum and determine where to drive improvement to both respond to Fishburne’s profile learner and prepare him for higher education and the job market. FMS serves a broad range of learners, from those aspiring to selective colleges and commissioning programs in the armed forces to those who need structure, individual attention, and support with learning differences to find success. Historically, FMS has provided a traditional college prep curriculum. Owing to its small size, excellent community partners deliver some programs and specialty classes. The fine and performing arts curriculum is delivered through the nearby Wayne Theater and dual enrollment courses are offered through Blue Ridge Community College. Advanced Placement classes are taught in house.
The ideal candidate will be a mid-career professional with significant teaching and administrative experience within a private school who is ready to advance in their career. A senior administrator looking for a new setting would also be a good fit. An advanced degree, preferably in the liberal arts or education is required. Military experience is not essential, nor is there a requirement to wear a uniform. Compensation is consistent with other small boarding schools. Housing is a possibility. Candidates should send a cover letter and resume to COL Randal E. Brown (VA), President at
The ideal candidate will be a mid-career professional with significant teaching and administrative experience within a private school who is ready to advance in their career. A senior administrator looking for a new setting would also be a good fit. An advanced degree, preferably in the liberal arts or education is required. Military experience is not essential, nor is there a requirement to wear a uniform. Compensation is consistent with other small boarding schools. Housing is a possibility. Candidates should send a cover letter and resume to COL Randal E. Brown (VA), President at
Located in downtown Waynesboro, Virginia, in the bucolic Shenandoah Valley 30 minutes from Charlottesville, Fishburne Military School is a private non-profit non-sectarian boarding school for boys in grades 7 – 12. Ideal enrollment is between 125 – 150 cadets comprised mostly of domestic boarders but also including day and international students. It is governed by an independent board of trustees comprised of alumni and past parents. Fishburne is the oldest military boarding school in Virginia (1879) and the board is committed to its small scale and all male mission. When founded, FMS was modeled after nearby Virginia Military Institute and Fishburne’s iconic barracks quadrangle reflects this. The relationship between the two schools remains close. As a non-sectarian school, the FMS Army JROTC program is part of US Army Cadet Command and rated an honor school of distinction. FMS is accredited by VAIS and is a member of NAIS, TABS, & CASE..
Fishburne embraces its new brand … We see’s great in you. The student body is comprised of a core of young men with an affinity for the military and a desire to get an early start on this career. Along with this group are many other boys who were overlooked in their previous settings and not growing to their potential. With its small scale and structure, individual attention, and dedicated faculty and military staff, all of whom understand leveraging relationships to develop young men; Fishburne excels at enabling its cadets to reach their full potential. FMS has a conventional college prep curriculum, but one which is evolving in new and exciting ways with community partners and to develop life skills in our boys. Required athletics and physical training produce not just resilient young men but several each year who go on to play collegiate sports. The vast majority of FMS graduates will go on to civilian higher education. A significant number each year do matriculate to one of the US Service Academies or military colleges. Several each year earn valuable ROTC scholarships. Some boys will elect military enlistment to obtain GI Bill benefits before going to college and still others may pursue specialized technical training.
FMS is a small close-knit community that feels like family and this is certainly true of the employees. Most FMS administrators, faculty, and staff are dedicated educators without military experience. The personnel of the Army JROTC Department and Commandant’s Office all possess military backgrounds and direct the Corps of Cadets. In the spirit of “bricks & mortar do not a school make”, our professionals are a great strength.