University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Posted: 16-Jan-25
Location: United States - Nationwide
Internal Number: 258945
Applicants should send a cover letter that addresses their teaching interests, curriculum vitae (CV), and the names and contact information for three professional references through Interfolio at Please attach each of the above items to the submission. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. For additional information, contact Mr. Jonathan Larson, (313) 593-5090 or, Academic Program Manager, ABA Clinical Faculty Search. Review of applications will begin in early Fall 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.
Application Process:
Candidates should submit the following:
Cover letter summarizing how experience addresses position qualifications
Curriculum vitae
Statement of teaching philosophy
Unofficial copies of transcripts
Contact information for three professional references
The Department of Education in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at the University of Michigan Dearborn is seeking a non-tenure track Clinical Professor (open rank) of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with a 12-month appointment. We are seeking a candidate to complement our expanding M.S. in ABA program as we work toward recognition and accreditation by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). The position begins no later than Fall 2025. This position will be open until filled, however for best consideration, please apply by January 31, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: This posting has been edited and the credentials expanded.
The successful candidate will lead, teach, research, and serve as follows:
Administrative (25-40%)
Coordinate and collaborate with the Program Coordinator regarding ABAI recognition/accreditation
Assist with data collection related to ABAI recognition/accreditation
Work to recruit new students to the program from clinical experience sites
Work with the Field Placement Team to maintain the field placement database
Provide ABA Field Placement direction (MOUs with clinics, coordinate with each student's supervising BCBA/clinical director, etc.)
Lead, coordinate, and supervise ABA practicum placement sites for fall, winter, and summer semesters
Coordinate all necessary documentation for student clinical experiences
Coordinate all necessary documentation for student Applied Project experiences
Teaching (25-40%)
Fulfill the position of Instructor of Record for ABA II Practicum, Behavioral Assessment Practicum, Research Methods in ABA Practicum (includes regular individual and group meetings with students, supervision, and evaluation of all assignments, and clinical site visits)
Fulfill the position of Instructor of Record (major advisor/committee chair) for all Applied Projects
Oversee all Applied Projects, from Proposal Development/IRB Approval, to Data Collection, to Written Product/Oral Presentation
Lead weekly seminar for Applied Project students
Visit Applied Project sites 1-2x during the Data Collection phase
Coordinate clinical experience assignments with the instructor of record for the following methods courses: ABA II, Behavioral Assessment, & Research Methods
Visit clinical experience sites for all students 3x/semester in-person and virtually using Zoom and GoReact
Coordinate practicum responsibilities with the supervising BCBA/clinical director at each student's clinical experience site
Coordinate Applied Project responsibilities with the supervising BCBA/clinical director at each student's clinical experience site
Teach one 3-credit hour undergraduate or graduate course in the ABA program or one of its approved electives, or a course within the Department of Education (based upon the expertise of the candidate and programmatic needs) fall, winter, and summer semesters
Research (5-10%)
Assist students with IRB approval for Applied Project
Conduct research with program faculty in ABA and work to involve students in ABA-related research
Collaborate with program faculty and students regarding ABA-related research
Publish ABA-related research with program faculty and students
Deliver presentations at state/national/international conferences with students and faculty
Guide students to publish Applied Projects
Service (5-10%)
Participate in ABA program and curricular development activities
Attend Department of Education (once a month) and College of Education, Health, and Human Services faculty meetings (once a semester)
Earned Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis or within a related field (e.g., special education, psychology) with doctoral-level coursework and training in Applied Behavior Analysis
Maintain BCBA-D credential in good standing and eligible for Michigan Behavior Analyst licensure (LBA-MI)
Evidence of experience with clinical coordination and program development/supervision/management
Experience teaching at the university level
Experience teaching and mentoring students seeking ABA certification
Commitment to metropolitan and school/community engagement
Excellent oral and written skills
Experience teaching in a variety of formats, including online, hybrid, and face-to-face
Experience in teaching in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting
Experience in teaching multilingual learners
Experience working with a variety of constituencies, including administrators, clinicians, and community partners
Commitment to cultivating trusting partnerships that support the recruitment and development of Applied Behavior Analysts
The University of Michigan, Dearborn (UM-D) is one of three campuses of the University of Michigan. UM-Dearborn is a comprehensive university offering high-quality undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education primarily to residents of southeastern Michigan, and currently enrolls more than 8,000 students. The campus is located on 200 suburban acres of the original Henry Ford Estate in the Greater Detroit Metropolitan area and is committed to creating positive changes in the region. The Department of Education is part of the College of Education, Health, and Human Services (CEHHS) and offers bachelor's degrees (BA or BS) leading to teacher certification, instructional technology, and children and families. At the graduate level, the department offers multiple master's degree programs for professionals in the field of education, an Education Specialist (Ed.S.), and a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.). More details concerning the Department and the CEHHS may be found at:
The University of Michigan conducts background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background checks. Background checks are performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
A great university is made so by its faculty and staff, and Michigan is recognized as one of the best universities to work for in the country. The Michigan culture is known for engaging faculty and staff in all facets of the university to create a workplace that is vibrant and stimulating.For two consecutive years, the Chronicle of Higher Education has placed U-M in its "Great Colleges to Work For" survey. In particular, the university earns high marks for strong relations between faculty and administrators, a collaborative system of governance, strong pay and benefits, and a healthy work/life balance.