Ursuline Academy of Dallas is seeking a Dean of Academics to start July 1, 2025. The Dean of Academics serves as the academic leader of the school. The Dean of Academics is responsible for the designing the school’s academic program, providing leadership to department chairs and faculty, and managing the processes by which instruction and assessment are administered to students.
General Authority
The role is a twelve-month, full-time position. The Dean of Academics reports to the Principal who, in turn, reports to the President of the Academy.
Key Accountabilities
Maintain congruency between the Academy’s mission and the philosophy of Catholic education with all academic activities.
Implement best practices in curriculum and assessment, based on current research on learning and girls’ education.
Ensure standardized testing data are used appropriately both for student support and for gleaning information about our academic program; ensure curriculum articulation is up-to-date and housed appropriately, aligned within departments and communicated through all appropriate means.
Oversee the hiring process for faculty and make recommendations to the Principal regarding the hiring, retention, and assignment of mission-appropriate faculty.
Manage and provide leadership formation for members of the Academic Council (comprised of Department Chairs, chairs of the Counseling and College Counseling departments, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and Professional Learning Coordinator).
Work with department chairs and Director of Teaching and Learning to support faculty members’ Folio goals and complete annual faculty evaluations.
Observe, supervise, and help evaluate faculty in the development and implementation of curriculum and assessment; provide helpful feedback for growth, oversee the professional learning program, and review and evaluate the academic programs.
Oversee the preparation of a master school class schedule and assign teachers and students to classes.
Oversee the grading and reporting of standards and methods used by teachers in measuring student achievement.
Review student grades, rendering decisions regarding extracurricular ineligibility and counseling families and students, especially those experience academic difficulties.
Engage in effective communication with parents as required in matters relating to the performance and scheduling of individual students, providing timely and appropriate response to family inquiries.
Assist with orientation and education of new faculty to the school’s philosophy, expectations, and policies, thereby helping them adapt more quickly and more fully to their apostolic roles as teachers.
Actively engage in professional learning, model a disposition of curiosity and life-long learning, seek collaborative relationships with academic officers at peer schools, provide knowledge to faculty about learning trends in secondary education, and be informed and comfortable to lead conversations which focus on routine school matters and the stimulating exchange of ideas on issues of educational/philosophical interest and concern.
Responsibilities and Activities
Oversee curriculum guide, policies, and a course of study.
Collaborate with the Dean of Students and Student Support team to ensure information flows to faculty regarding those students experiencing academic, physical, or emotional difficulty; work with the Student Support team on academic support plans for these students.
Supervise and engage in annual Folio goal setting with direct reports.
Assist in the admission process for the testing, interviewing, and evaluating of applicants for enrollment.
Provide academic guidance to transfer students once they have been accepted to the Academy to discuss course selection and registration.
Oversee testing at Ursuline (standardized testing, semester exam testing, testing calendar, etc.).
Supervise annual filing and updating of personnel records required by professional accrediting agencies; direct evaluations of the school by accrediting agencies; and, during times of the evaluation of the school by accrediting agencies. Review and ensure compliance with Diocesan and State academic requirements.
Oversee the recognition of student academic achievement.
Serve on the School Administrative Team.
Serve as advisor for designated group of students.
Perform other duties as assigned by the Principal.
Founded in 1874 by the Ursuline Sisters, Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic, college preparatory school for young women. The mission of Ursuline Academy is the total development of the individual student through spiritual formation, intellectual growth, service to others, and building of community. Ursuline Academy educates young women for leadership in a global society.
Key Requirements, Skills, Traits, and Credentials
A deep investment in Ursuline’s mission
Experience analyzing statistics and data trends
Strong secondary school teaching and administrative experience; Catholic and/or all girls’ environments preferred
Advanced degree
Ability to earn the trust of others by modeling, giving, and receiving open and honest feedback, setting clear and reasonable expectations, establishing accountability without alienation, demonstrating the willingness and ability to listen, being dependable and reliable, and taking responsibility for one’s actions
Vision for hiring for mission and broad community support as well as for strong academic backgrounds
Desire to cultivate leadership
Interested applicants should submit the Employment Application, Background Check, and Pre-Employment Affidavit forms from www.ursulinedallas.org/about/careers along with a resume, letters of reference, cover letter and transcripts of undergraduate or graduate work to employment@ursulinedallas.org.
Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic college preparatory school for young women, with enrollment of approximately 860 in grades 9-12. The Academy is the oldest continuously operating school in Dallas, and in 2024 it will celebrate its sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary.
With a distinguished tradition of academic excellence, innovation, and service, Ursuline educates young women for leadership in a global society.
At Ursuline, we aspire for students to meet problems and possibilities with creativity, ingenuity, responsibility, and compassion. As they learn, our students acquire broadly applicable skills and competencies that they can apply flexibly to any challenge. The commitment to the full development of every girl runs deep at Ursuline, through programs that embrace the cherished and timeless core values of an Ursuline education.
Ursuline Academy of Dallas is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and holds membership in a number of other professional organizations including the National Association of Independent Schools, National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, National Catholic Education Association, OneSchoolhouse, Texas Associa...tion of Private and Parochial Schools, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Secondary Schools Admission Test Board, and Ursuline Educational Network