Fryeburg Academy, a 650-student day and boarding high school in Western Maine and the Mount Washington Valley, seeks an innovative special education teacher beginning late August 2024. This full-time position involves working with a caseload of students in a functional life skills setting. The successful candidate will demonstrate the enthusiastic ability to work with students who have a variety of needs and a diverse range of academic interests and skills, and who are from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Preference will be given to candidates with teaching experience and developed, varied strategies for teaching special education students in the functional life skills setting. Fryeburg Academy faculty have significant responsibilities connected with the school's boarding program and extracurricular offerings. The Academy is therefore looking for individuals who enjoy working with high school students both in and out of the classroom and who wish, through commitment to a variety of roles, to strengthen its community. Experience working with students outside of the classroom- tutoring, coaching, in a residential or camp setting, or as an activity advisor- is a plus.
Essential Job Functions
Build confidence in and trusting relationships with students
Encourage good citizenship among students and other teachers in the classroom
Participate in field trips as part of student post-secondary transition goals
Maintain an organized physical environment for classroom safety and presentation
Plan, develop or modify special education curriculum including lessons, programs and teaching methods
Using Special Education skill areas, instruct students individually and in groups
Monitor student progress both in varied settings
Using work output and observation, determine goals and objectives for students and evaluate them based on their progress in these areas
Prepare report cards, classroom observation records, education records and IEP records along with other required forms
Participate in Special Education Department meetings
Administer testing evaluations
Κnowledge, Skills, Dispositions
Proficiency in writing IEPs is essential; knowledge of the Adori system is a plus
Strong supervisory experience. They will be able to provide guidance, schedule and delegate to ed techs (paraprofessionals/teaching assistants) working in their classrooms
A strong belief in independent education, and particularly the mission of Fryeburg Academy
Ability to work with, encourage, and inspire students to seek continuous growth
Ability and desire to innovate in the classroom
Excellent communications skills, both oral and written
Ability to work both independently and collaboratively while maintaining high professional standards
A willingness to work with students of all backgrounds and abilities
Understanding of how students learn and ability to implement best pedagogical practices
A desire to work with students both in and out of the classroom
Qualifying Education and Experience
Bachelor’s degree in special education required; master’s degree preferred.
All Fryeburg Academy employees are subject to Maine Dept. of Education Criminal History Record Check.
Fryeburg Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employer
TO APPLY: Interested candidates should submit the following documents in PDF format: application, letter of interest, résumé, college transcripts, and three references. Fryeburg Academy’s application can be accessed by either visiting the employment page of Fryeburg Academy’s website or by requesting one from the Business Office. Application documents can be emailed to Erin Wentworth, Human Resources Manager (
Fryeburg Academy is an independent secondary school that serves a widely diverse population of local day students and boarding students from across the nation and around the world. The Academy believes that a strong school community provides the best conditions for learning and growth. Therefore, we strive to create a supportive school environment that promotes respect, tolerance, and cooperation, and prepares students for responsible citizenship. Within this context, the Academy’s challenging and comprehensive academic program, enriched by a varied co-curriculum, provides the knowledge and skills necessary for success in higher education and the workplace.